Oberursel, 06/05/96: With the beginning of July 1996, phase 5 digital
products will release the BLIZZARD 1240 T/ERC, a low cost 68040
based accelerator board especially for tower housed Amiga 1200 main boards.
Due to the mechanical dimensions and the high power consumption together with the
heat emission of the 68040 processor and the therefor needed active cooling cap
the board will not fit into standard A1200. The abbreviation ERC stands for
EcoReCycling meaning the processors used on this board are recycled and tested
68040 processors operating at 40MHz with MMU/FPU. By using these processors a
very competitive pricing of DM 549,- for the BLIZZARD 1240 T/ERC is possible.
The board is axpandable to a total amount of 128 MB of RAM by standard 72 pin SIMM.
All other specifications are the same as those for the well known BLIZZARD 1260;
so later upgrades to the 68060 processor can be easily done. Like it's Big Sister the,
BLIZZARD 1240 T/ERC can be expanded by the SCSI Kit IV. |